AKG Engineering Construction & Trading Group gives an integral priority to the health and safety of our people. We have a systematic approach towards HSE Management and implement it with uppermost importance to our company and personnel. We conduct and supervise our work incompliance with the legislation and make sure that all personnel are equipped with best knowledge about safety at work and the responsibilities.

Our personnel have a clear understanding of the importance of site instructions and the vital role of complying with the mandatory safety standards of our company.

We set our principles highly in the area of safety and health as we recognize that our primary asset is our people. Hence, we take pride that our work force have a full insurance coverage.

We are committed to the constant improvement of our HSE plan and we design programs to identify, assess and control all specific probable risks in all our projects.

We then ensure its proper implementation across all our operation and in our daily activities. AKG considers conservation and protection of the environment as its cornerstone of a successful business. We ensure to administer proper housekeeping and waste management policy for the protection and well-being of our workforce and most importantly to protect our environment from toxics and waste.

We therefore recognize and adhere that Health, Safety and Environment Policy in our company rank equally in importance with other management responsibilities and the success in these areas depends on the involvement and commitment of everyone in the organization. As such, that we can confirm that these policies are very well conveyed to our suppliers and partners.

We believe that our success goes along with our achievement in this area and that makes AKG Engineering, a distinct and reliable company.

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